Formally verified WebAssembly using Coq and Extism

Exploring how to run formally verified code in a WebAssembly sandbox

Formally verified WebAssembly using Coq and Extism

Exploring how to run formally verified code in a WebAssembly sandbox

by: Zach Shipko

extism coq sandbox formal verification

How do you know your application is doing what it’s supposed to do? You might say “tests”, but how do you know if the tests are doing what they’re supposed to do? When the correct behavior of your program is mission-critical, you can use formal verification to prove that your application behaves correctly.

Formal verification is still very much a field of active research but it seems like an exciting way to help developers increase our trust in software and escape some of the pitfalls of the software development process. When used in combination with WebAssembly, formally verified software can be executed in a sandboxed environment providing strong guarantees around both the correctness and safety of an application. For instance, Coq requires all programs to terminate, which is a pretty stringent requirement for typical programming environments, but when targeting Wasm running embedded in another application it is often important to ensure the guest code doesn’t run forever.

Throughout the development of Extism, we have used count-vowels.wasm as our trusty test plugin. count-vowels.wasm is a module that has a single function export named count_vowels, which takes an input string and returns a JSON encoded string like {"count": 4} indicating the number of vowels contained in the input. Our finely-tuned C implementation is very reliable, but I only know this from running it manually on lots of different inputs and observing the outputs. It would be nice to have some evidence that our program is counting vowels correctly!

Coq is a “formal proof management system” that can be used to write programs and proofs about those programs. The code can then be extracted to OCaml, Haskell, or Scheme allowing it to be integrated into larger applications in those languages. For example, writing a count_vowels function in Coq allows us to write proofs about the implementation of our algorithm to ensure the vowels are being counted correctly. These proofs are similar to tests in other languages but they describe mathematical facts about the code - if something is implemented incorrectly then it won’t be possible to come up with a valid proof.

Using Coq extracted to Haskell with the Extism Haskell PDK we can create verified algorithms that get converted to Haskell code wrapped into an Extism plugin and compiled to WebAssembly using wasi32-wasi-ghc. Since Extism has support for 15+ host languages, this formally verified Haskell code can be executed in programs written in languages from Rust to Elixir to PHP!

As a starting point, we can take a look at the C implementation, which keeps a running total and sums up the number of vowels it encounters:

int32_t count_vowels() {
  uint64_t count = 0;
  uint8_t ch = 0;
  uint64_t length = extism_input_length();

  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    ch = extism_input_load_u8(i);
    count += (ch == 'A') + (ch == 'a') + (ch == 'E') + (ch == 'e') +
             (ch == 'I') + (ch == 'i') + (ch == 'O') + (ch == 'o') +
             (ch == 'U') + (ch == 'u');


Other than counting vowels, this C implementation uses some Extism PDK functions to get the input from the host. This part of our module will be written in Haskell since Coq doesn’t have bindings to the Extism runtime.

The Coq implementation ends up being similar to a recursive version of the C implementation:

Definition is_vowel (b: byte) :=
  match b with
    | "A" | "a" | "E" | "e" | "I" | "i" | "O" | "o" | "U" | "u" => true
    | _ => false

Fixpoint count_vowels (s: string) : nat :=
  match s with
  | "" => 0
  | String x s' =>
    if is_vowel (byte_of_ascii x) then count_vowels s' + 1
    else count_vowels s'

From here, we can build up some facts about the algorithm, like “when a vowel is added to a string, the count increases by 1”:

Theorem count_vowels_plus_vowel:
  forall x c,
	  is_vowel c = true ->
		  count_vowels (String (ascii_of_byte c) x) = count_vowels x + 1.
  unfold count_vowels.
  rewrite byte_of_ascii_of_byte.
  rewrite H.

Then extract the Haskell source:

Extraction Language Haskell.
Extraction "src/CountVowels.hs" count_vowels.

The above proof serves as validation of the generated code too, so whatever we prove in Coq holds true in our Haskell code as well. We have a guarantee that when a new vowel is added, our Haskell function will increase the vowel count by 1. If we introduce a bug into our algorithm that alters the vowel count somehow then we’ll get an error when checking that proof.

The extracted Haskell code looks surprisingly idiomatic:

is_vowel :: Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Bool
is_vowel b =
  case b of {
   'A' -> Prelude.True;
   'E' -> Prelude.True;
   'I' -> Prelude.True;
   'O' -> Prelude.True;
   'U' -> Prelude.True;
   'a' -> Prelude.True;
   'e' -> Prelude.True;
   'i' -> Prelude.True;
   'o' -> Prelude.True;
   'u' -> Prelude.True;
   _ -> Prelude.False}

count_vowels :: Prelude.String -> Prelude.Int
count_vowels s =
  case s of {
   ([]) -> 0;
   (:) x s' ->
    case is_vowel ((\\x -> x) x) of {
     Prelude.True -> (Prelude.+) (count_vowels s') (Prelude.succ 0);
     Prelude.False -> count_vowels s'}}

Finally, we can wrap that code into a plugin with the same interface as our other implementation:

import CountVowels
import Extism.PDK
import Extism.PDK.JSON

countVowels :: IO ()
countVowels = do
  -- Get input string from Extism host
  s <- inputString
  -- Calculate the number of vowels
  let count = count_vowels s
  -- Return a JSON object {"count": count} back to the host
  outputJSON $ object ["count" .= count]

Once we compile the code, all we have to do is replace the original count-vowels.wasm with the resulting verified-count-vowels.wasm, and suddenly we have our formally verified code written in Coq, extracted to Haskell, compiled to Wasm, running in a sandbox, embedded in the legacy application of your choice!

Using this pattern you can do much more than count vowels! Extism gives you the power to start replacing parts of your application with formally verified code today.

The full source is available on GitHub

Illustration by Chris Dickinson

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